Planning, managing and coordinating HEALTH & SAFETY
Principal Designer & CDM Advisory Service
Under the CDM Regulations 2015, the Principal Designer (PD) has a central role and wide-ranging responsibilities within your project. These include planning, managing, monitoring and coordinating health and safety in the pre-construction phase, and preparing and presenting relevant information to other duty holders. The PD also provides relevant information to the Principal Contractor (PC), who’s then in charge of managing health and safety during the construction phase. The PDs role continues throughout the build stage with the gathering of information and completion of the Safety File.
Reduce risk and cost
Applying our depth of construction experience, DO Safety First will help you achieve your objectives with reduced risk and cost. We are completely independent and objective, and stay fully abreast of the various Acts and Regulations you’re project is subject to.
Your health and safety obligations
Most importantly, with experience as Construction Project Managers our PDs understand the commercial and programme pressures your project’s face, as well as your health and safety obligations. DO Safety First can help you balance these project challenges, and help you deliver your project safely, on time and on budget.